Website & Email Hosting for the Medical & Health Profession

NOTE: Due to unprecedented high demand, it may take upto 96 business hours to deliver a PH website. 

Many Practitioners ask why do we need a website?

We suggest to read the Medical Republic article, as to why we set up this service: Why every Medical & Healthcare Practitioner needs their own website. 

If you need Legal Advice or Tenant Doctor Service Agreements please contact Hamilton Bailey 

In conjunction with their in-house IT Developers, Hamilton Bailey Lawyers developed a Web & Email Hosting service specifically for Australian Medical & Healthcare Practitioners, that require a straightforward and cost effective method of advertising their Practices to the Public.
Our hosting services allow Medical & Healthcare Practitioner’s to effectively advertise their Practices to the Public for under $5.00 per month.

Public-Facing ready Websites for GPs & Allied Health Professionals

If you are a Sole Trader or Small/Medium Enterprise within the Medical or Healthcare Industry, and would like to expand your market audience to attract new patients within your region, our website templates will assist your business in attaining further reach throughout the community.

Our templates will also assist your business’ capacity to increase your website’s ability to improve your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) rankings in Search Engines, such as Google, Bing & Yahoo.

One-Click Template Websites

Upon Client’s Initial Order Form

Case Law Compliant Websites

Updated Monthly

Hassle-Free Complete Solution

Website & Email Services

Access to Online Forum discussing medical sector specific matters

Available in Q2 2024

Introductory Offer

inc. Web Hosting, Email Forwarding & Forum Access

Billed Annually Upfront

($54.00 per year)

inc. Web Hosting, Email Forwarding & Forum Access

Billed Monthly

($96.00 per year)

Premium Services & Web Site Designs

In the event that you would like your own exclusive Web Domain, a Premium Website Design or Email Address please contact us by email.

Frequently Asked Questions.

What is the Difference between HBL Health Pages Web-Hosting and other Services such as Wix or Squarespace?

HBL Health Pages Web-Hosting (“Health Pages”) offers a low cost ready-made website (“Subscription Annual/Monthly Website“) for medical & healthcare professionals that provide a medico-legal compliant ‘Offers to the Public’ to advertise that particular practitioner’s services.

What do you mean by Compliant?

Health Pages was created for the purpose of providing the medical & healthcare sector with a low-cost, straightforward, ready-made website that may effectively advertise your services to the Public, and thereby increase your patient-list.

This Service will go towards helping your business satisfy the criteria & standards set by the relevant authorities, such as regulators, judiciary/tribunals, Government officials and/or other.

What are you actually offering, just another website?

No. We are offering our clients convienience. The Website is simply a by-product of our service, which will assist your business in attracting new patients.

How do I/We provide you the information for the Website?

Business Owners & Sole Practitioners may provide our office the required information for the Website through the Onboarding Form available on the Health Pages’ website (above in the Menu).

Do I have to create the website myself, similar to Wix or Squarespace?

No. We will create your Website for you. We only require you to provide our office the information requested on the Onboarding Form.

This will ensure that your Website contains the relevant information to satisfy the above-mentioned criteria.

If and when required, we will request additional information from you by email.

What if I already have my own website?

This service was created for practitioners, namely: those that do not currently have their own individual business website; as well as those that have an existing website.

If  you currently have an existing website for your business, and believe that it will cost you less to maintain it than our Annual Plan, we recommend that you continue as you are.


Why can't I just create my own website?

You may, but there are certain costs involved.

Purchase a Domain: About $5 for the first year, and then the price increases to approximately $50 per year.

Purchase Web Hosting: from $20 per month (approx. $240 p.a.) up to $96 per month (approx. $1,152 p.a.); or

[Drag-Drop Website Builder inc Web Hosting: $15 per month (approx $180 p.a.)]

Learn how to use the program builder: learning time from 1 day to 3 weeks & $200 for the program (approx); or

[Pay a freelancer to create a basic website for you: from $50 to $900 (if not more).]

Updating yourself with new legal/case law changes: Ongoing.

Updating your Website to reflect new law changes: Ongoing, subject to the particular changes to ensure that your website contains the relevant information to satisfy the above-mentioned criteria.

What happens if there are new law changes or court/tribunal cases in the future? Will my Health Pages Website be updated?

Yes. The purpose of this Service is to provide our clients with an up-to-date Website that enables them to offer their professional services to the public at large, while also satisfying the above-mentioned criteria.

Can I add extra details to my website?

Although, we are open to receiving suggestions from our clients relating to their Website (see bottom of Onboarding Form); the Website was built to provide a cost-effective and streamlined product.

We are happy to discuss your requirements, but please be aware that the average premium website design across Australia start from approximately $5,499.00 up to $9,151.00.

We would much prefer to provide you a low-cost option that would effectively give you a public web presence under $5.00 per month.

Please contact our office for further information.

Do I receive my own website domain, for example ""?

Our Subscription Annual/Monthly Website service includes hosting a website on your behalf on our domain at

If you would like your own private website domain, please contact us relating to the Premium Service option.

Do you provide Premium services such as personalised website domains, website designs, and email services such as Google Workspace?

Yes, if you choose the Premium Website Design. Please contact our office for further information.

Do you provide marketing services such as SEO?

Yes. However, marketing is an additional cost that is subject to the client’s needs.

We will provide further information in relation to our low-cost SEO option in the coming weeks.

How long will it take to receive the Subscription Annual/Monthly Website?

We will prepare the Website for your final review in under forty-eight (48) business hours; upon our office receiving your completed Onboarding Form & receipt of payment.

Is work on the Websites undertaken in Australia or elsewhere?

All work for the Website is undertaken in Australia by HBL staff.

Why did you create a Service for that particular price?

Because during the most recent Christmas holiday period, our office was inundated with panicked phone calls from existing GP clients (or their respective practice managers) asking exactly what did they need to put/write on their websites to be ‘compliant’; while also in passing criticising/complaining how expensive putting together a website was.

The general consensus was that $5.00 per month would be an acceptable cost for a GP’s website. So we did. 

Why would I be interested in interacting with HBL in the Health Pages forum?

The Health Pages Forum/Community will allow members throughout Australia to interact with each other, as well as with HBL solicitors, in relation to general questions about legal aspects relating to operating medical practices/’precincts’, in a professional setting that effectively reduces the risk in having conversations between members or HBL staff leaked to a public news medium.

More detailed information will be made available shortly. 

Where are your Servers located?

Our Servers are located within the European Union and are certified GDPR compliant.

Will you offer any additional Services in future?

At the present time we are only focused on providing our clients with our Flagship product, being the Annual and Monthly Subscription Web & Email Hosting.

Future additional services will be confined to further improving our client’s position in satisfying the ‘criteria and standards’, as outlined above.

Let’s Get Started

Ready To Increase your Business’ Market Audience?

Fill out our Website Design Form and Sit-Back while we Build your Website!

HBL Health Pages © (ABN:38 593 692 266)